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Architectural Committee

The Kent Woodlands Architectural Committee (“AC”), comprised of volunteer KWPOA members, provides architectural design review for the membership as mandated by the CC&Rs. The AC’s primary goal is to enforce the CC&Rs in order to preserve the character of Kent Woodlands. It accomplishes this by helping members to understand the rules and to plan and implement improvements which adhere to them. The AC has a purely advisory role in the review process: it advises the Board on whether members’ plans should be approved by the Board as submitted or approved by the Board with conditions. All enforcement issues are handled at the Board level, including monitoring projects to ensure that they are built as approved.


Architectural Committee Members:

Bruce Raabe, Chair

Ann Peckenpaugh Becker

Keith Kirley

Tom Nichols

Steve Ring, Interim Board Representative


AC Coordinator: Kristin Tiernan

Contact us:


Office Location: 

1010 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. #200

Kentfield, CA 94904

Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 404

Kentfield, CA 94914

© 2024

Kent Woodlands Property

Owners Association

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